Tuesday 19 October 2010

These are a few of our favourite things...

A little off track from our usual blogging, just had to write a few words about this article.


It highlights two of the campaign's favourite themes united in one news story: equality and grassrooots campaigning.

Ireland has long been a bastion of Roman Catholicism and the fact that a gay man is even in the running for the President is a real sign that the country is close to shedding its conservative tag.

Add the fact that Senator David Norris only put himself forward after garnering support on social network site Facebook, it is proof that the age of the internet means any campaign can snowball into real change.

The Justin Campaign is a grassroots movement, one that has grown through mediums such as facebook and twitter.

We are committed to ensuring that, in Senator Norris' words, sexuality becomes a "non-issue".

If Ireland votes a gay man to become president then surely eradicating homophobia from football is not too far away...

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